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Conferences and scientific meetings
- SPIE Security and Defensa 2021, September 13-16, 2021, Online,DOI
- Simposio 250 aniversario Humboldt y las Américas, 30 junio-3 julio 2019, Cayo Santa María, Cuba; Charla: Angular radiation patterns of nanostructured metal films.
- XIII Taller de Física de la Materia Condensada y Molecular, 24-26 junio 2019, Cuernavaca, México; Charla: Influencia de los modos de superficie en el patrón de radiación de láminas metálicas nanoestructuradas.
- Quantum nanophotonics, 18th-22th March 2019, Benasque, Spain.
- Nanolight, 11th-16th March 2018, Benasque, Spain; Poster: Far-field diffraction pattern of a single hole interacting with a circular groove
- Nanolight, 6th-12th March 2016, Benasque, Spain; Poster: Sensing the magnetic field with a subwavelength hole
- SPIE Security + Defence, 21th-24th Septiembre 2015, Toulouse, France; Talk: Light harvesting structures for sensing infrared radiation
- II Congreso Nacional de i+d en Defensa y Seguridad (DESEi+d 2014), 6th-7th Noviembre 2014, Zaragoza, Spain. Talk: Estructuras recolectoras de luz en el óptico y el infrarrojo (pdf)
- Nano Security and Defense (NanoSD2014), 23th-26th Septembre 2014, Ávila, Spain. Talk: Light harvesting structures optimized at infrared frequencies. Press release.
- Conferencia Española de Nanofotónica (CEN2014), 14th-16th May 2014, Santander, Spain. Talk: Enhancing the transmittance of a subwavelength aperture close to the focus of a conventional lens
- European Optical Society Annual Meeting 2012 (EOSAM 2012), 25th-28th Septiembre 2012, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. Talk: Far-field diffraction pattern of a single circular aperture
- Third International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics (SPP3). 17-22 June 2007, Dijon, France. Poster: Launching and decoupling surface plasmons via gratings: dimples vs holes.
- Annual Meeting of the European Optical Society. Topical meeting: Nanophotonics, Metamaterials and Optical Microcavities, 16th-19th Octobre, 2006, Paris, France.
- Talk: Scattering of Surface Plasmon Polaritons by three-dimensional indentations.
- Talk: Optical bistability in subwavelength metallic defects filled with nonlinear media: FDTD simulations.
- 11th Brazilian Workshop on Semiconductor Physics, 9th-14th March 2003, Fortaleza-Ceará, Brazil.
- Spring college on electronic structure approaches to the physics of materials, AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 2000.
- Workshop on Calculation of Material Properties Using Total Energy and Force Methods and Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics, AS-ICTP, Trieste, Italy 1999.
- IX Latin American Congress of Surface Science and its Applications, Havana 1999 .
- X Congress and VIII Symposium of the Cuban Physical Society, Havana 1999.
- Nanoestructures 97, Havana University (1997).